Dyson V15 Detect Absolute: Der ultimative beutellose Akku-Handstaubsauger im Test! Test 2023

    (750 Kundenbewertungen)


    • Leistungsstarker Akku-Handstaubsauger für Tiefenreinigung im ganzen Haus
    • Enthüllt unsichtbaren Staub
    • 100% mehr Leistung und 60 Minuten Laufzeit
    • Power-Trigger maximiert Energieeffizienz
    • Intelligente Anpassung der Leistung an erkannten Schmutz
    • LCD-Bildschirm zeigt aufgenommene Partikel, Power-Modus und mehr an
    • 2 Jahre Garantie
    • Internationale Produkte können von lokalen Produkten abweichen
      Last updated on März 9, 2025 12:55 am


      Meine Bewertung des Dyson V15 Detect Absolute Akku-Handstaubsaugers


      Der Dyson V15 ist ein wahrer Alleskönner und überzeugt mit seiner starken Saugkraft. Selbst hartnäckige Tierhaare und feinster Staub werden mühelos beseitigt. Die Anpassung der Leistung je nach Schmutzmenge macht das Reinigen effizient und gründlich.


      Das Gerät liegt gut in der Hand und ist trotz seiner Leistungsstärke leicht zu manövrieren. Dank des LCD-Bildschirms behält man stets den Überblick über den Reinigungsvorgang und die verbleibende Laufzeit des Akkus.


      Die Vielzahl an mitgeliefertem Zubehör ermöglicht eine individuelle Reinigung in allen Bereichen des Hauses. Besonders praktisch sind die verschiedenen Aufsätze, die das Saugen auch in schwer zugänglichen Ecken ermöglichen.


      Der Dyson V15 Detect Absolute ist für mich die perfekte Wahl für die Tiefenreinigung im gesamten Haus. Seine Saugkraft, intelligente Leistungssteuerung und das innovative Design haben mich restlos überzeugt. Ein hochwertiges Gerät, das sein Geld wert ist.

      13 thoughts on “Dyson V15 Detect Absolute: Der ultimative beutellose Akku-Handstaubsauger im Test! Test 2023

      1. After years of using my Dyson V7 it took enough drops to finally break it. I had already upgraded the battery a number of times eventually going to converting to DeWalt batteries.. The thing kept on going and it looked beat up and rugged. I guess I wasn’t disappointed when it finally broke falling onto a concrete floor..
        It was time for a new vacuum anyway. I wanted one for a handheld which I use the V7 mostly for..
        I was using it for floor cleaning job I had even lost the floor attachment several years ago. I’ve just used it for vacuuming up crumbs, etc., My intention was to replace that portion that I use the most and use it for the same purpose most the time.
        However, I got intrigued about this unit and did not realize how much bigger and heavier it was. I can tell you that it is not a replacement for that light V7 application and hand held work. This is heavy and it’s big and yes the suction is amazing.
        When it comes to doing the job it’s intended for and cleaning my hardwood floors, my other floor vacuum (different brand) got sent to the side once this arrived. It’s amazing how the light detection works to pick up dust, you find out where you really need to go and what you need to clean (everywhere LOL)..
        The suction again is amazing and so far the battery is lasting well but I’ve only had it for about a month so of course it is.
        I fell in love with this thing. It’s a wonderful floor, vacuum for hardwood and tile.. I haven’t tried it on carpet but I have a vacuum for that that plugs in. Obviously, I’m going to get way better suction with a corded unit and I do. It cleans the carpet deeply and this thing couldn’t touch my $149.00 hoover on carpet. But for day-to-day cleaning where most of my house is hard floors this V15 device is awesome.
        I also bought an attachment here on Amazon with an extender flexible tube and a soft brush. It pulled off all the dust from my television in way that was awesome, recommend you get one if you have a Dyson…. Summary: For a battery operated machine you simply are not going to do better IMO. PS. I bought a little wandvac for that light handheld crumb collector off my counters, etc. The whole thing cost me a lot more than I intended to spend, but I’m really happy with it.

      2. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit der Leistung dyson V15. sogar Hunde- Katzenhaare holt er aus dem Teppich, leicht zu Hand haben beim Saugen und auch bei Leerung Behälter

      3. Ich bin von der Saugkraft begeistert. Hätte das nicht erwartet. Das entleeren ist auch kinderleicht, ich die zwei linke Hände hat ist begeistert.

      4. Ho una casa grande con un bambino piccolo e abitiamo in campagna. Questa aspirapolvere mi salva la vita sempre altrimenti non so davvero come farei! Consigliatissima

      5. Postiv:
        Viel Zubehör, Gute Saugleistung, Anschlüsse passen gut, macht insgesamt einen wertigen Eindruck

        Negativ: Das Gerät wurde, wie schon in anderen Rezensionen angemerkt, mit dem Netzteil für USA angeliefert (deshalb auch „nur“ 4 anstatt 5 Sterne insgesamt). Das ist jedoch nicht wirklich schlimm, da man das deutsche Netzteil für ca. 18 Euro bei Amazon erhalten kann und schon ist das Problem gelöst. Warum manche Leute deshalb das Gerät mit hohen Zollkosten zurück senden ist mir ein Rätsel.

      6. Me encantó que aspira perfectamente los pelos de los perros, está genial con el láser, se ve también toda la tierra que hay en tu casa y limpia perfectamente todo.

      7. Ich hab lange überlegt und vorher einige andere Akkugeräte ausprobiert aber das ist wirklich der Mercedes unter den Akkusaugern und sein Geld wert👍

      8. I just got this today after looking around and noticing it a lot online with folks that live in similar sized apartments. I have a Shark upright vacuum that I use and like but I’ve had a hard time finding a stick vacuum (corded or battery).

        I have about a 900 sq ft apartment; 2 bedrooms with carpets and a living room with carpets. The kitchen, hallway, and bathroom at laminate flooring. I have a bit of a zoo here (2 cats, guinea pigs, birds). Lots to clean up after on the floors between pig bedding, litter, hair, bird feathers and discarded seed.

        TLDR ——-


        – Fluffy head was pretty effective at picking up everything on bare floors
        – The light on the fluffy head was actually quite useful to SEE where I still needed to go over
        – Fluffy head swivel action and size was great for getting into small, tight spaces
        – Motorbar head was really good at picking up a lot, between dust, hair, guinea pig bedding, small bits of – hay, seeds from birds, etc
        – Motobar head had really good swivel action and good at getting under furniture and into smaller spaces
        – really easy to empty the canister without needing to pull anything out*
        – comes with a lot of useful attachments
        – decent battery life for small spaces
        – portable, wouldn’t say it’s overly heavy or cumbersome
        – I like that it comes with a wall mount
        – ideal for quick cleaning (every couple days, once a week if there’s not big messes, one space vs whole apartment/house)

        *time will tell how long this lasts and likely depends on what all had been sucked up


        – may have made the knuckle area at the base of my thumb a little sore over the duration of use
        – I wouldn’t say the wall mount is renter friendly and hard to peg a spot for the setup as I’d rather have this in a utility closet and out of sight
        – I feel like this wouldn’t be ideal for a big day of cleaning as it might run out of charge
        – long term concern is that it uses a battery and those deplete over time. Risk of not being able to buy a replacement in the future? Maybe…


        – no real opinion on the trigger as it doesn’t bother me to hold it down as I barely notice with how the unit sits in my hand. Feels like gravity helps and my hand is just there holding the Dyson. Where else would you hold it? I just found myself pressing it when I was working on the canister and similar actions or getting the wand off or on. Pressed it on accident a few times so it takes some getting used to.


        I charged up the Dyson to 100% and left it on auto/medium the whole time.

        I used the fluffy head first to clean the laminate and the light, whether you might think it’s a gimmick or not, was kind of neat. Way batter than lights I’ve had on previous stick vacuums or uprights. I could see everything and I made sure to make all the necessary passes to pick everything up. I found the fluffy head was pretty effective here in general. It’s not super wide and pretty compact and the swivel was really great so I could get into might tight spaces. I could vacuum under my hall stand no problem. I was able to get in and around my toilet and under the stand over the toilet really easily and that’s not been possible with other units without going to the hose and smaller attachment and getting down and poking around.

        Emptied the canister before changing heads. Honestly, gotta say I’ve not had a canister that was this easy to open and empty before. Usually have to give things a good shake. I still had to pull out some of my own hair with how it wraps up around the unit and the filter inside.

        Next I used the motorbar header for the carpeted areas. I did a quick check and picked up anything I thought was too big and picked up any pieces of hay from the pigs I didn’t want to get in the Dyson (I’d save that for the bigger Shark upright, honestly).

        Similar settings, left it on auto/medium. Not sure how much battery I had left.

        Went through the room with the pets (guinea pigs and birds). Not as much here as I’d already done a bit clean since I deep cleaned the bird cage so mostly everything was picked up. I’m not sure if what ended up in the canister was just from the room or also from the pass I did of the hall mat. But I was kind of surprised. I emptied the canister and did a quick pass of the bedroom. I was being lazy here but was getting under most of the bed, night stand, around my fan, up around the baseboard heater. I don’t recall if I emptied the canister again here or just went into the living room. I had more of a mess here to clean up as I moved a guinea pig cage from here into the other room with the rest of the pets. Did a pretty good job picking up the discarded bedding and some smaller pieces of hay I hadn’t picked up as they weren’t too big. Got the alert that I had low power but wasn’t sure what that meant (I think when I finished there was about 15% battery left). Swivel was good here. Easy to get in and around spaces. Really easy to get under the couch. Not quite small enough to really get under the tv stand I have but I got a bit done there. Emptied again, with ease, but had to pull the canister off to pull off stuff that had wrapped around due to collection of my own hair.

        As far as the trigger goes for power, it takes some getting used to. I was pushing it on accident while I was removing the wand to empty the canister. Felt like I had an itchy trigger finger, basically. I didn’t find it bad that you had to hold it down the whole time, honestly. I think the only issue I had is maybe how the handle was resting against the base knuckle of my thumb. I found that got a bit sore and would change hands for a bit here and there to give it a break.

        I haven’t used any of the other attachments. I might use the hair screw tool on my couch at some point to see what it does. The crevice tool will probably get used at some point for really tight spaces or where the other attachments couldn’t use used. This would be great for cleaning my car, now that I think about it. I’ve not had a battery vacuum I could just take down to the garage to do a once over.

        I’m not sure if I will install the wall mount since I think I’d rather have it in a utility closet but I don’t have access to an outlet from there… I’d basically need to use an extension cord and feed that out from under the door into the bathroom (closes outlet and keeps the cord out of the way). Not pretty but… best place I can think for it as all other outlet locations are real awkward and the mount uses hefty screws. Not exactly renter friendly.

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